In response to NASA's alarming findings regarding record-breaking temperatures in the summer of 2023, the Fifth National Climate Assessment showing D.C. region climate risks, and the recent release of Carbon Free DC strategy, Social Art and Culture, in collaboration with the Arts Program at the Aspen, is pioneering a sustainable economic framework where artivists play a pivotal role alongside scientists, researchers, and climate experts to confront the impacts of climate change and environmental injustice in the District. The fellowship's significance is further underscored by support from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, East Arts grant, highlighting the crucial role of artivism in driving social change.
Returns October 2, 2025
Applications Open June 2025
Program Fee: $500
The Artivist Writer's Workshop will return for cohort two with six [6] writers [fiction and nonfiction authors, academics, journalists, scriptwriters, and playwrights] to cultivate steps for advancing and completing a body of work. Writers complete a work in progress under the guidance of Award Winning Writer and Professor Tina Lassiter. The Artivist Writer's Workshop is an interactive literary spatial experience supporting writing activists. Writers will meet live online for ten weeks. Applicates who apply should be focused on history, culture, and social justice within their socially engaged practices. The Artivist Writer's Workshop is a place for creative research practices but where writers create experiences that foster impact.
The success of AFH’s teaser campaign launch at the DMV Made: A Culture and Wellness Festival on July 27, 2024, demonstrates the power of our approach. DMV Made engaged 5,000 attendees at The National Mall, and we transformed public health awareness into an interactive art experience during this festival. With a live visual storytelling session led by celebrated DC graphic designer Jim Nuttle and supported by NOAA and DC Water, over 100 participants co-created solutions to the health impacts of lead exposure and urban heat. This engagement achieved three critical outcomes:
This success underscores AFH’s ability to merge creativity, science, and community collaboration to achieve tangible and measurable results.